Many health conscious people are aware of the numerous benefits of using a (far infrared) sauna such as: pain relief, weight loss, cardiovascular stimulation, detoxification, immune system stimulation, improved skin, etc. Here at Quick Health Clinic, I’m all for these things. But as a Dr. of Heilkunst, my reasons for offering this technology go a little deeper...
In my physiology lessons I read some of Rudolf Steiner’s teachings which centre around the idea that the human being is made up of not one, but four bodies:
1.The ego body
2.The astral body
3.The etheric body
4.The physical body
Steiner teaches that many diseases (or what looks like disease) occur because of the ego body’s inability to fully ground itself into the physical body. In order to do this effectively, it needs heat. The perfect way to generate that kind of heat is with a good fever... the kind that children used to get with such things as measles and chicken pox. But with vaccinations, many of us have missed this crucial step in our development, and so utilizing the far infrared technology can be critical in assisting us on the road to wholeness.
Additionally many diseases are the result of sclerotic (or hardening) processes within the body. Once again, a good fever is how the body would naturally deal with this, but in this day and age none of us has the time to be sick so we reach for the Tylenol or Aspirin to suppress the body’s natural attempts to heal itself. While I am not advocating the use of such suppressive measures, with the far Infrared technology I can offer my patients one more step, on the journey to wholeness.