The Heilkunst Weight Solution
Confused by all of the contradictory information about how to lose weight and keep it off? You’re not alone! That’s why I’ve created The Heilkunst Weight Solution.
Like many, I have struggled to be a healthy weight, despite being exceptional with my food choices. The bad dietary advice that we’ve all been told by industry and health-care professionals alike, is: “Eat less (and exercise more) to lose weight”. This is an extremely damaging lie! And it actually perpetuates chronic overweight and obesity.
Why? When you eat less, your body will compensate and slow its metabolism down. It HAS to. Think about it… if you have less money available you don’t keep spending the same amount, do you? No, you conserve where you can… turn lights off; put the heat down at bedtime; time your showers; stop eating out, etc. Your body does the same thing. However, when your money situation improves you start spending extra again, but your body NEVER does. That’s right!! When you go on a calorie restricted eating plan, you slow your metabolism down for the rest of your life, ensuring that you’ll gain the weight back, and then some. Plus it turns off satiety hormones making you hungrier than ever, even after you resume normal eating. But, while eating less creates metabolic consequences, being overweight is about your hormones, not calories.
The Heilkunst Weight Solution utilises the latest science for helping you to get slim, AND it incorporates the Heilkunst system of medicine to ensure that your past calorie restriction trauma is neutralised, leaving you with the metabolism that nature intended. Isn’t it time that you healed this situation – for good?
And now my new book is out! This book provides an in-depth step-by-step guide to this weight solution that you can share with your friends and family!